Tug-of-War: The Inevitable end of Libertarianism & Its Last Agonal Breath — The Liberals Last Retort

“I thought you believed in personal freedom?!”

For decades, conservatives had fully embraced libertarian ideology in all aspects of governing, allowing for individuals to ‘do as thou wilt’ with little to no interference from the government.

As conservatives begin to politically dominate the state of Idaho, pushing back against the progressive left, liberals plan to pull one final trick from their hat: The Libertarian Card

What was once in the closet quickly moved to “in the privacy of your own bedroom,” a slogan repeated by influential libertarian ideologues, a slogan fully embraced by well-meaning, yet, naive conservatives.

And while “in the privacy of your own bedroom” quickly moved to full grown men wearing women’s clothing and dancing provocatively on stage in front of children, these same conservatives stood dumbfounded, as they no longer had an opportunity to even speak out lest they be censored from the internet, fired from their jobs, and labeled an ‘extremist.’

Fast forward to the year 2022 and we are now living in the fruits of progress given to us by the libertarian mind-virus: A Libertarian la-la land.

Libertarian: 1 : an advocate of the doctrine of free will. 2a : a person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action. b capitalized : a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles.

A better definition of the term libertarianism would be: A conservative’s intellectual cowardice in the face of total government capitulation to extreme liberalism.

A list of things libertarianism gave us:

  1. Gay Marriage

  2. Gay Pride Parades

  3. Gay Pride Month

  4. Gay Men Wearing Dresses in Public

  5. Gay Men in Dresses Reading to Children in Schools

  6. Adults Cutting Off Children’s Genitals

  7. Adults Chemically Castrating Children

  8. Children and Naked Men Together in Public at Gay Pride Parades

  9. Police Arresting Christian Preachers for Offending Gay Men

  10. Gay Ideology being Taught in Public Schools

  11. Pornographic Books in Children’s Libraries

  12. Gay Ideology in Children’s Cartoons

This list of libertarian accomplishments is long and arduous, we digress.

Now that conservatives begin waking up from their liberty-daze to the tune of rainbow colored goose-steps, the political left shrieks of “personal liberty” — a last-lights act, a sort of disorienting flash-bang beckoning conservatives back to their roots of libertarian ‘whateverism.’

“So much for personal freedom, am I right??”

One of the simplest ways to understand the “freedom for me but not for thee” mindset is the fact that Democrats and RINOs spent two full years locking down businesses, forcing masks on the public, and deceptively persuading millions into taking a ‘vaccine’ against their better judgement.

They did this and continue to march in the streets chanting “my body, my choice.”

Conservatives like to point this out and chuckle at the hypocrisy of it all as their children contemplate which pronouns fit them best.

Libertarianism didn’t fail, it never worked.

Libertarianism was always a utopian ideology, sort of like communism, which sounded nice on paper, yet in practice resulted in millions of deaths, or, in the case of libertarianism; pre-school rainbow Frankenstein story hour.

While conservatives begin to wrestle themselves out of the libertarian web-of-lies, Democrats see the writing on the wall — beckoning their political foes with the ol’ siren song of ‘liberty.”

Simply put, libertarianism is a tug-of-war where the loser lulls the winner back to sleep with talking points of ‘freedom’ or ‘personal liberty’, resulting in a never ending spiral of degeneracy.

When conservatives begin to win, liberals cry “freedom” like William Wallace with rainbow face-paint.

Conservative ideology, as in, the concept of being normal, is totally and completely connected to Christianity, and this has only become more and more evident as Democrats tie themselves to actual satanism.

Jesus Christ was not a libertarian. He did not tolerate degeneracy. In fact, you can not find the word “tolerance” one time in the entire bible.

Tolerating evil does not make an individual a ‘good’ person.

It is time for conservatives to grab the wheel and direct this country out of the weeds of failed ideology, no matter how old its talking points.

While Idaho sets course for fertile ground, take note of the Democrat’s call for ‘liberty,’ and their RINO allies who strategically echo this sentiment.

Don’t be fooled by the siren’s song, they’re dudes.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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