Satanists & Drag Queens Coming to Coeur d’Alene Idaho for June 11 “Family Friendly” Gay Pride Event — Local Pastors Condemn the Event

Satanists coming to Coeur d’Alene Idaho LGBT event

In a previous report, we revealed the June 11 “Pride in the Park” event is set to feature the Satanic Temple, as well as performances by drag queens. The event is billed as “family friendly” and is supported by numerous local institutions.

Among the long list of participants, the Satanic Temple can be expected at the event, which will host families and children.

Among satanists, there will be numerous “drag performers” in the presence of children, who, at the direction of their parents, will be attending the event.

At least one of the drag performers billed for the event has an Instagram account labeled “Adult Content” — the drag performer also has an Onlyfans account.

After reporting on the developments regarding the Satanic Temple, one individual affiliated with the organization, Rowan Astra, deleted her social media to avoid inquiry from concerned citizens.

We reached out to the North Idaho Pride Alliance for comment on this story through the phone number provided at the bottom of their website, and they responded by saying “you all can fuck off.” before aggressive hanging up the phone.

We then reached out to the Community United Methodist Church for comment, as they are listed as one of the participating supporters of the event. The pastor spoke on standing together, even with satanists, to stand up for what they believe in.

We also reached out to local pastor, Paul Van Noy, who heads the Candlelight Christian Fellowship in Coeur d’Alene. Paul said that “we have been considered haters” adding that he would affirm that “we are.” Continuing, Paul said that “we are called to hate evil, but love people.”

“I love these people deeply, but I hate what hurts them” said Paul, who is set to be present at the Coeur d’Alene town hall meeting where Christian prayer is on the chopping block.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


Coeur d’Alene City Council Member, Dan Gookin, Says Christian Prayer “3 Minutes of Wasted Time” — Votes to Open Invocations to “All Faiths” Including Satanists


The Satanic Temple Announcing Attendance at Coeur d’Alene’s “Pride in the Park” — All Ages Event to Host Drag Queen Show for Idaho Children