Triple-Vaccinated Californian Reporter Attempts ‘Hit-Piece’ on Idaho Freedom Foundation — Portland Values Come Home to Boise Idaho

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Morgan Romero, a local Idaho reporter working with KTVB, is running an investigative ‘hit-piece’ on the Idaho Freedom Foundation, who’s self described mission is to “make Idaho into a Laboratory of Liberty by exposing, defeating, and replacing the state's socialist public policies.”

This mission statement is not something a California transplant who’s spent considerable time in the Portland area would think is appropriate for a state which by all accounts is a conservative republican stronghold.

Morgan Romero, who left Portland as recent as October 4, 2021, is living in Boise, where a stark clash in political values remains on full display as liberals continue to make the push in the predominantly conservative area.

The reporter, who is proudly triple-vaccinated, took to Instagram to say “BOOSTED, BABY!” before typing out a long-winded, stereotypical ‘pat on the back’ while encouraging others to get vaccinated.

Funnily enough, Morgan Romero, who had previously lived in Idaho, complained about local Idahoans feelings towards Californians, claiming: “the hatred towards Californians here in Idaho has gotten out of control.”

The reporter who has been labeled as “biased”, “leftist”, “propaganda” and “fake” has also used her profile on Twitter to proclaim she is “just so frustrated that so many Idahoans won’t LISTEN to scientists.”

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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