CDA Press Publishes Editorial Comparing NIC Trustee, Greg McKenzie, to an Animal — Says McKenzie will be “Hunted” by Political Opposition

This is, by definition, dehumanizing rhetoric — the sort that can get people hurt

The CDA Press published an editorial wherein the author (who did not reveal his or her identity) compared Greg McKenzie, an elected official, to an animal, saying he will be “hunted” by his political opposition.

The author continually refers to fighting in the imaginative editorial which made its way to the published section of the local CDA Press.

This comes just days after the contested North Idaho College election that had been corrupted by confusing tactics from liberal activists. Activists created campaign material that was designed to look as though it originated from the local Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) when it was actually promoting the liberal opposition.

So many voters were confused, up to 1,000 ballots had crossed out votes as individuals marked up their ballots, making it difficult for the ballot scanners to perform — forcing workers to count ballots by hand.

Read here for a brief history of the NIC election

This comes just days after the Coeur d’Alene Press issued a Veterans Day paper that had symbols of the Communist USSR on the cover — forcing local veterans to demand an apology from the local Press.

The CDA Press continues to position itself as the opposition to the predominantly Christian and Conservative North Idaho, whose residents find that the paper no longer represents them.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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